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Great Green Goal Appeal

Choose how you would like to give

a month for a year could enable a community living in the path of the Great Green wall to grow six life-changing trees, providing nutritious food and produce to sell.
a month over the course of the year provide a community with the tools they need to manage their land and improve the soil, enabling them to care for their trees
a month for a year could provide business skills training to maximise a community’s income from tree products.
£30 could grow three native trees in Africa’s drylands, restoring this severely degraded land.
£52 could provide a community with the tools they need to manage their land and improve the soil, enabling them to care for their trees.
£72 could provide business skills training to maximise people’s income from tree products.

In Africa's drylands, an epic green movement is underway - the Great Green Wall.

This spring, Tree Aid is launching the Great Green Goal appeal. Our appeal will rapidly scale up planting of the Great Green Wall, now, before it's too late. 

Donate now and join us in our Great Green Goal. 

Time is running out

The climate crisis means that time is running out to hold back the desert. We urgently need to scale-up planting before we reach a tipping-point of 1.5 degrees in global heating, where even drought-resistant trees will struggle to survive.

In the Sahel region of Africa where Tree Aid works, temperatures are increasing much quicker, leaving people even more vulnerable, with the land unable to support life.  

That's why we need to increase planting of the Great Green Wall, now, before it’s too late. You can be part of this incredible solution to kickstart a greener future.


Why is the Great Green Wall needed?

Trees are the solution. They grow when other crops fail, enrich the soil, and provide communities with a source of food and a means to earn an income. The Great Green Wall is an epic African-led initiative that aims to grow a wide belt of trees and vegetation across Africa. It will look like a mosaic of restoration projects, 8000 km wide.

The Great Green Goal appeal is Tree Aid’s contribution to the inspiring Great Green Wall initiative.

Together we can help restore the land, offering vital sources of nutrition and income for people already feeling the effects of the climate crisis.  

"Forests and trees have been wiped out at a rapid rate... As trees are used for so many things in our rural livelihoods, the rate of destruction is far higher than recovery or regeneration. I am afraid the worst is yet to come, unless coordinated and integrated actions are taken now."
Birtukan - Project participant in Ethiopia

Why is planting the right trees, in the right places important?

Tree Aid has been planting trees in the Sahel region for 35 years. Every tree species we choose to plant is selected for its suitability for the communities and environment that we’re working with.

We grow a mix of native and locally-adapted tree varieties and ensure we maintain a good diversity that works well for the land and for the communities that depend upon it

Since 1987, we have grown more than 27 million trees.

How can I help?

Now is the time to act!

Please donate today to our Great Green Goal appeal and help communities grow trees and fight the climate crisis.

Your donation could...

  • Support communities to grow more native trees that can restore severely degraded land.
  • Provide communities with the tools they need to manage their land and improve the soil, enabling them to care for their trees.
  • Help provide business skills training to maximise people's income from tree products.