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The impact of your gift

The gift you've received will support communities across the drylands of Africa.

Tree Aid works with communities in the drylands of Africa. Led by local people, we take a holistic approach to tackling poverty and the effects of the climate crisis by growing trees, improving incomes, and restoring and protecting land.

Our projects make sure trees thrive so they can provide food and incomes today and protect the environment for tomorrow.

What we do

In the drylands of Africa where Tree Aid works, people are struggling with the effects of the climate crisis.

Our work is led by local people with local knowledge and expertise. We equip people with the tools and skills they need to grow trees, protect their land, and start viable businesses. This provides food and an income, tackling poverty today. It also pushes for long-term change, improving the environment for tomorrow.

Every tree we grow or protect is helping to challenge the effects of the climate crisis and tackle hunger and poverty. Thanks to your gift, we can work with communities to grow more trees, creating lasting change for people and the planet.

Who we work with

We work with communities that rely on farmland for food and income. But a loss of fertile land and the effects of the climate crisis are making life tough and unpredictable. Too much or too little rain and poor-quality soil means there is not enough food for communities to eat healthily and afford essential healthcare and education.

As a result, the people we work with live in poverty and are forced to get by on less than $1.90 per day. But we are working to change this.

"The project has helped me in many ways. It has given me the ability to farm well which I couldn’t do before. I can now get the money for schooling without stress. I can feed the children good food, it was a struggle before. Now I can feed them 3 meals." - Lydia, a mother of 3 who lives in Ghana-

Where we work

Our projects are focused in Africa's drylands, in Burkina Faso, GhanaMaliNigerEthiopia and Senegal. Here, over 300 million people’s lives are devastated by the reduction in fertile land and the climate crisis. 

That’s why we are working with communities to grow millions of trees and protect huge areas of land each year. Led by local people, our projects make sure trees thrive so they can provide nutritious food and incomes today, and protect the environment for tomorrow. 


What's next?

By 2027 we aim to:-

  • Grow 12 million trees and restore 240,000 hectares of degraded land.
  • Support 2.4 million people to gain skills, knowledge and tools to grow trees and business.
  • Support 4,000 communities to manage and restore their landscapes.