In 2019/20, across all of our projects in Ghana, we helped almost 10,000 people to grow nearly 500,000 trees. We also worked with 138 new village tree enterprise groups, supporting them to make and sell tree products.
Find out more about our projects, past and present, in Ghana.
At Tree Aid, we do much more than simply planting trees. We use a combination of trees, tools and training, to ensure that our projects have a truly sustainable and long-lasting impact.
Supporting communities, and women in particular, to earn a sustainable income is a key part of our work in Ghana. It is known as our Enterprise Development Approach.
Desertification is a major issue impacting the communities we work with in Ghana. The land is severely degraded, and between 1990 and 2020, Ghana lost nearly 2million ha of forest. 35% of the land here is under threat of desertification.
Find out more about what causes desertification, and how trees can provide a solution